Life / September 30, 2018

What is The Law of Attraction and Why do I Believe In It?

The Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is the Law of Attraction which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our basic thoughts and materialize them into reality. In basic terms, all thoughts turn into things eventually. 

“What Is The Law Of Attraction? And How To Use It Effectively.” The Law Of Attraction, 8 July 2012,

I learned about this term two years ago, but once I heard what it was all about, I realized this was actually something I believed in for a long time. I applied this belief mainly to work and my dating life. 


When I graduated college, I was ready and rearing to go! The reality would end up being that I wouldn’t get my first industry job until I was eight months out of school – almost a year after graduating! It was definitely a hard eight months and there were times of doubt. Not once, though, did I ever think “I 100% will not get a job in my industry.” As hard as those times were, I still truly believed that a job in my industry was in my future. Basically, by believing that I would eventually get my dream job, I actually did get my dream job! I ended up getting a job offer from one of the top companies (if not the top company) in my field. Think about it like this: if you believe it will happen, that affects your attitude. As many times as I got rejected from jobs, I still thought it was meant to be and therefore still had a positive attitude. This also helped me believe in myself, which is extra important when you’re trying to get a job. When interviewing, you have to sell yourself to that company, and how can you sell yourself if you don’t believe in yourself? If you don’t believe you’ll get a job in your field, then you’ve already lost confidence in yourself, and how will you be able to sell yourself? The Law of Attraction is about changing your mindset in a way that benefits you best. 


Let me tell you guys, dating in LA suuucks! As many cool events as there are in LA, it’s almost impossible to meet a guy in person. I ended up using a variety of dating apps and I went on countless bad dates. It even got to the point where I started screenshotting all of the weird messages I would get from guys just to prove to my parents how much it sucked! Sometimes I would come home from a particularly bad date and think to myself, “Ugh, will I ever find a good guy?” However, as doubtful as I got at times, I never once for a second thought that I would end up alone. When I looked at my future, I saw myself married with children. My husband’s face was a blur since I didn’t know who he was, but I just knew it would become reality. My bad attitude towards dating was more about when will I meet my dream guy? Not will I ever meet my dream guy. By keeping this reality in the back of my head, it allowed me to start each date with a blank slate and a fresh mindset. If I had believed the latter option, I may have gone into dates with a bad attitude, therefore possibly pushing away a good guy! Any time I sat at home, reading hopeless profiles or messages and began to get a bad attitude, I’d change my narrative. I convinced myself I was just one frog closer to my prince. I didn’t know how many frogs I’d have to “kiss” (metaphorically speaking) before I got to my prince, but I knew that a prince was at the end of the line of those frogs. I also mentally envisioned an invisible watch on my wrist that was counting down the minutes until I met the one. I couldn’t see it, but I knew it was there. This helped me remember it was just a matter of time, no ifs, ands or buts about it!

Part of the Law of Attraction is believing in the power of the Universe, and let me tell you, the way I met my boyfriend still feels crazy to me, like someone or something was trying to put us together. The first time we “met” was on He had messaged me and I checked out his profile. I remember reading it and thinking, “wow, he’s perfect!” but I saw that he lived 21 miles away from me and thought, “what a shame, it’s too far”. Stupid, right? I almost missed out on the best guy I’ve ever known just because of a little distance! Eight months went by and I came across him again on the app, Bumble. Bumble is different than Match in that it shows the distance of where you currently are, not where you live. At the time that I came across his profile, we were only 8 miles apart. I knew he looked familiar, but I couldn’t place where I’d seen him before. I swiped right (for you non-online daters out there, that means I swiped yes on him). Side note, I always joke that I was tricked into matching with him since the distance was different, haha! We talked for a week before our first date. He offered to pick me up for our dinner date (I agreed, because I felt we had been talking long enough that I felt safe) and when he arrived, he was dressed nicely and had flowers for me! He even opened the car door for me. This was my “oh my god” moment. I always believed I would end up with a true old school gentleman, but now here he was, right in front of me. That’s the Law of Attraction at work! Now I just want to state that I am not trying to push my beliefs on anyone, but I truly believe this is what happened for me. The Law of Attraction almost works a bit like fate, but you have to believe in it for it to work. 

Losing Weight

When I decided I wanted to lose weight two years ago, it was scary. I had to face the fact that I had to lose forty pounds – that’s a lot! The most I had ever lost before was ten, and it was scary that I’d essentially have to do that four times. I was determined, though, and really believed that if I wanted it, I could have it. The Law of Attraction helped me put aside my doubts and just believe in me. The worst that could happen was that I stayed the same, right? The best that could happen is that I gain all the confidence in the world and a body I could only ever dream of. I’m now roughly thirty-one pounds into my weight loss journey and I of course attribute that to the Law of Attraction! If I didn’t believe in myself and see the reality at the end of the tunnel, how could I get my butt off the couch and begin? Some of you may see the fact that it’s taken me two years to lose only thirty pounds as a failure or like I could’ve done better, but I see it as a win. Change that mindset! You can see more on this in my “10 Ways I Lost 30 Pounds” article.

This Blog

I know a lot of you look at successful bloggers out there, especially on Instagram, and think to yourself that you will never be that successful. I know, because I was that way! I had been wanting to start a blog for years, but never did it because I was too afraid. I was afraid of failure. This time is different. I truly believe that as long as I put in the hard work, I will get there! Now, this is a little different than my dating and work stories, because this story is just beginning. However, I’m putting this out there now so that when the day comes that my blog is a success, you and I can look back at this post as proof of how the Law of Attraction works! 🙂 

If you’re intrigued by this concept, don’t be afraid to get started! Ask the universe for things you want. Believe that the universe will give these things to you if you start taking the right steps and taking action. I could believe all I wanted that I’d meet my dream guy or find my dream job, but the universe wouldn’t hand me those things if I sat on my butt doing nothing. I had to actively continue to go on dates and apply to jobs. Start telling yourself positive affirmations to further your positive outlook. Keep at it with these steps and you’ll be sure to get what you want. 

What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve. 

Hill, Napoleon. Napoleon Hill’s Success Principles Rediscovered. Sound Wisdom, 2017.