uncategorized / January 30, 2019

My Experience Selling on Poshmark

I started selling clothes on Poshmark about a week ago after clearing out a huge portion of my closet and dressers (yes, I am one of those people obsessed with the Netflix show “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo“). All I can think is, “why didn’t I start doing this sooner???” I’ve used several selling apps, such as Letgo, Offerup, and Facebook Marketplace, but I’ve never had the level of success I’ve had with Poshmark. If you aren’t familiar with the app, it’s essentially a selling app primarily targeted towards clothing. Unlike Offerup and Letgo where you mostly sell in your area, this app allows you to sell across the country and ship your items (kind of like Ebay). I’ll go a little deeper into the details below.

Once I finished clearing out my closet and drawers, I had 3 giant hefty bags JAM PACKED with clothes and a fourth full of purses and shoes. The bag I’m holding here actually used to be way more full, but I’ve since emptied quite a bit of it through selling on Poshmark! I try to upload 3-7 new pieces a day if I can. I’ve found that by having more items in my “closet” (as Poshmark calls your page), I have more success selling. I think it gives you more credibility. Part of my success on selling came from research. The most common advice I had found was to follow as many people as you could. They usually follow back and that’s more eyes on your closet. Another big piece of advice was to share other’s items, because they’ll share yours back. When someone shares your item, they are sharing it with all of their followers which may bring new followers to you, and therefore new customers! I try to be mindful with my sharing. I share a lot, but I try to only share things I could see myself wearing. This is because my closet is obviously full of stuff I’ve worn in the past, and if my followers like that, then they will like what I share. I also feel that builds more credibility on my part as well – I won’t come across as someone who is just sharing every possible thing willy-nilly.

My Poshmark closet. Follow me at “atcarefree”!

I’ve only sold 9 items on the app so far in a week. You might think that’s not much, but I’ve made $300 so far! I’ve been gradually picking up on more tips as I become more familiar with the app. If possible, find a stock image of a model wearing the clothing item and make that your first image. However, you shouldn’t only have images of a model wearing the item. People want to see your item, what kind of condition it’s in, etc. Showing your own item builds trust, but showing the model photo shows what it looks like on and possible ways to style it. If you can’t find a photo online of your item (some of my clothes are so old that it’s impossible to find the website image now!), you should use a picture of yourself wearing it! Even if you do have a stock image, adding a photo of you wearing the item shows more ways to style it.

For all my clothes, I prefer laying them out on the floor instead of hanging them up. I have more control this way. Sometimes when you hang a cardigan, for example, the sleeves drape and you won’t see the details as well. Take my giraffe sweater above, for instance. If I hung that up, you may not see the watercolor detailing on the sleeves as well. Also, by laying things out on the floor, you can control the shape better. If I’m laying out a dress and I know its tapered at the waist, I’ll poke the waist in just a bit to show this. Sometimes on the hanger, you can’t really see that.

While Poshmark is mainly for clothes, you can sell some other things on there too! I just recently went through my bathroom and reorganized all my makeup. There was quite a bit of makeup I was getting rid of that had never been touched. I can sell that on the app! I even have one Anthropologie vase and a couple wall art frames listed. However, since it is mainly known as a clothing app, keep in mind that these items may not have as much success. Still, worth a try!

Finally, you have to ship your items once they sell. One thing I seriously love about this app is that they send you free shipping labels. All you have to do is print it out, take a free USPS priority box, and pack it all up! I generally pack my items in tissue paper and include a thank you note, since I am technically providing customer service afterall. This will get you better reviews, which again, will help build your credibility as a seller. I generally try to ship items out the same day or next day of purchase. I took some free boxes home, so it takes me no time at all. I go during my lunch break, drop it off, and head back to work. It takes all of 5 seconds!

I hope this post is helpful to you if you decide to sell or shop with Poshmark. If you’re looking for new wardrobe pieces, feel free to check out my account at “atcarefree”! I’ve got so many more items to come. Have you sold or shopped with Poshmark before? What was your experience? Let me know in the comments below!


  1. Tom

    Love this post! It felt so fluid and genuine. I like how you described the app and the process on how you’ve been able to add and sell with such ease!

    30 . Jan . 2019
    • Cameron Butler

      Thank you so much, Tom! 🙂

      30 . Jan . 2019

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